Google Assistant Not Speaking
Posted in: Technology

Google Assistant Not Speaking Answers

Google Assistant is an amazing tool that facilitates the ease of use and performing searches without lifting your finger. So basically Google Assistant has turned an integral part of our devices. But what if it’s not working as intended? I know it actually gets quite irritating. This article deals about the reasons behind this and their solutions.

Fixing up Google Assistant isn’t rocket science because the issues are minor and can be resolved following a few instructions. So do check out the following points to get back your Google Assistant running.

Reboot your phone:

This is one of the easiest and quick measures to fix your issue as well as other tech-related problems. Press and hold power button for a few seconds and you will get a pop-up having reboot/restart option and further process your device automatically operates.

Make sure Google Assistant is enabled and your device supports it:

Not every but some device models need support such as Android 5.0 or higher, Google app 6.13 or higher. So basically you have set their language in one of the following:

  • Chinese
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Hindi
  • Indonesian
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Polish

If it’s still not working, check out whether it’s enabled or not.

  • In your Google app click “More” option and tap “Settings” followed by “Google Assistant”.
  • Now tap on “Assistant” tab, scroll down and select your device.
  • A further switch next to “Google Assistant” and “Access with Voice Match” to complete the process.
  • Then try your Assistant as “OK Google” to verify whether the issue is solved or not.

Other possible solutions:

  • Check your microphone: Make sure your microphone is working otherwise Assistant won’t hear you and it won’t respond.
  • Check your internet connection: You need to be online for using Google Assistant. So make sure you are connected with a stable internet connection.
  • Upgrade the app: Check your Google app whether it’s of updated to the latest version or not. Grant all the permissions to Google app by Settings->Apps->Google App->Permissions.

I hope above noted solutions works out for you. But still, if you get any issue you can contact Google support team or Google help through different community forums such as chat, social media.

Comment (1) on "Google Assistant Not Speaking Answers"

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    Thanks a ton!!

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